I enjoyed the video! It's always interesting because I learn things by seing what you do, and it's also a bit exciting because vroom-vroom chainsaws, winches and falling timber :-) Love the intro&outro 'vignette' (?) on the video.

Re. hazel: Only last week I watched some videos about how one can use this species to grow hedges and fences, so I'm very interested in hearing more about this project. As for the old hedge laying video ... I must admit that I've seen it before. I'm a sucker for this kind of old-timey stuff ... probably because I think that we've lost some valuable things during the relentless march of progress, and because I find much of our contemporary culture vulgar, greedy and mean. I'm no prude, but føkkin hell! it seems like all the stops are out now. Then again; that could just be me ... I know I'm not normal, never was.

Apropos old film footage ... here's a gem for you: The Chiltern Bodgers


So long, my friend! Stay sane, cuddle the kittens and thanks for posting :-)

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